Our experience in the moving business allows us to offer a wide range of warehousing and logistics
services. We operate our management and offer our customers the insights and approaches we've developed
over the years. Our company provides warehousing management as Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory system, which
adopted for localization.
Furthermore, we use the customer-tailored made [First-In/First-Out(FIFO) or Last-In/First-Out(LIFO)] for
gaining productivity. JIT and scheduled
transportation runs pick up materials from
Planning: Action plans have been formulated for each business unit to replace or rectify non-compliant
systems. Systems and equipment which are functionally inadequate or cannot be economically rectified are being
replaced. Otherwise, non-compliant systems and equipment are being rectified, The approach has beeb to prioritize
business critical and safety critical systems and equipment.